Perfect Puppy Starter PRogram

This program includes:

  • 4 one-on-one training lessons

  • A thorough socialization guide to build a confident puppy

  • Custom training plan for you and your pup

  • Personalized training videos to reference


Puppyhood is the perfect time to start training. Their brains are developing so rapidly before 16 weeks of age, Taking advantage of that time can help mold them into the best version of themselves.

A poor foundation can lead to a breakdown over time, so building a strong one is extremely important.

The first 16 weeks of a dogs life will influence whether they face new situations with fear, or with optimism.

It helps determine whether they will be a social butterfly, or nervous around strangers.

Often we see puppies who struggle to be their best selves if they start training or socialization too late in life.

That’s why we have a program just for puppies. To give you a strong foundation.

We tackle everything from manners, socialization, emotional regulation skills, and impulse control (to help with all that biting!)

Contact us to learn more!