Let’s take a vacation!
VIP Training Excursions
An experience you will never forget
Every year, we pack up and GO!
Either hiking, cabin staying, and adventuring in the mountains of beautiful North Carolina.
Or sunbathing, beach staying, and relaxing at the beach.
Don’t worry if your dog is nuts. Or not on their best behavior.
That’s the point!
Let’s bring them into the real world. To practice in real situations.
And know that you have the support of the people around you to help you with any hiccups.
We’ve always wanted to bring you something more than just dog training.
It’s an experience. A life changing one.
You want to be able to take your dog with you anywhere.
You don’t just want to sit around. You want to experience life!
What better place to start than with a group of dogs and dog owners who have your back?
Who know how hard you are working to make sure your dog is one of the BEST?
VIP Training Excursions are included (free!) in select programs.
You can still hop on board with these, even if your program doesn’t include it. Just contact me to see how we can work them in for you, and let’s go on a vacation!
Food, lodging, and extra activities are all set up and included for you.
All you have to do is get yourself and your dog there.
Bring yourself and up to one other person (21+ please).